Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kyan is 6months old!

Kyan is six months old today! This day has finally come.

Why am i so obsessed with this six month mark?? Cos this means that little kyan is now fully ready to be on solids and I can officially give up breastfeeding!!!!!! Hooray!!!!! The six month is just like an official mark. Of course, i still hope to persevere breastfeeding till kyan is at least eight months. In fact I don't quite feel to set myself a target anymore...just trying as long as i can as long as i still have my milk supply.

I have been lazy to blog about the changes these days. Life goes on but little one has grown bigger, smarter and stronger! haha.

What warms me is the fact that everytime i reach home there is this big toothless grin that little one flashes to me. He will kick his hands and legs excitedly and i instantly knew he recognises mummy immediately and is looking forward to seeing me back. about the wonders of motherhood.

Kyan has managed to flip from his back to tummy and vice versa. He's also trying to push himself and my guess is he will learn to crawl very soon. Thats when we will start fencing all the sharp edges and corners.

And he loves to play "jump jump" when we carry him upright...he will use his legs and "jump" upwards. And he can never sit still now. Talk about being an active boy just like his father like son...haha!

Nowadays we start putting him in the playpen if he's alone cos he will roll onto the floor when we placed him on the mattress. One moment he's on the mattress and next moment could be on the floor to be safe...playpen is the solution. I was even thinking of playmat but thats an expensive investment and not quite worth i feel. Maybe a mattress or playpen could do an equivalent job.

Meal Schedule - Kyan's milk intake dropped. Nowadays he can only drink about 140ml every 4hours or sometimes even 5hours. The most he can go is 160ml, but seldom.
He is on one feed cereal and one feed puree daily.


JoAnnA said...

Very fast hor.. SighS. I do miss the times when I was pregnant.. Hahhaha..
Nigel still refuse to lay on his stomach lei. I wonder why ....
My Milk supply drop a lot. Sobz. Regret complaining I had too much milk last time