Presently at 15months, little darling has achieved great milestones.
He is very adept in walking now...everywhere, to the extent of running. His vocabulary is expanding, as he knows things such as bus, ball, duck, sweetcorn, pear, apple, lorry, fire engine, tiger, alphabets like A, B, C...he also knows how to display the hand action, "no more" when we ask him, "where's daddy?" and daddy is not around, he will use his hand and signalled, "no more"..
He pronounces a few words. The most prominent one (and the one which he loves pronouncing) is "BUS". HAHA. He'll go "BA BA" and for duck, he will pronounce it as "DUCK DUCK" super accurately now! Everytime he sees the bus he will definitely go "BA BA!!!!" in an extremely loud manner, even when we are outside. When we ask him, "any bus kyan?" he goes to the window and looks out of it for the bus which may travel along the stretch of road. Sometimes everything he sees also is a bus to him. LOL. He will also pronounce ball as "BA". I guess his pronounciation is still not as right for this yet.
Now he always calls PAPA and looks for PAPA, no more MAMA le =( does he sense a #2 coming? I feel that he is quite distant from me now, as i cannot carry him, cannot take care of him and cannot play with him for long. Its really tiring.
I guess its a good and bad thing. Now that he's closer to papa, his bonding with papa is stronger too, i thank for that.
This lil guy, though clever, is starting to throw really bad tantrums. Everytime he wants something and we took it from him or disallow him to do it, he will cry and start beating and throwing tantrums. Sigh. I feel that it is really hard to teach little ones as they grow up.
11 years ago