Third tooth on the bottom has popped up. Cute ain't? When he smiles, these teeth become visibly obvious.
He is like a worm, can't sit still. Carrying him is like having a wrestle match with him. Takes a lot of energy u know.
Meals wise, he just tried french beans and plums. Strawberries too. There were some red patches around his eyes which occurred within a few days of testing with the new foods and i wasn't sure it was due to the beans anot, or due to his rubbing of the eyes with his bolster. But no more allergic reactions were spotted the next day so i didn't see it as a source of concern.
Lil boy just recovered from flu and cough after we brought him to see Dr Anthony Chee (PD) at Hougang last Wed 27Jan (Clinic: Anthony Baby and Child Clinic). Charge wise is a bit steep (first time consultation is $70!). He is quite similiar to Dr Teoh in terms of thinking and also have many years of experience. I asked him whether it is ok if he doesn't meet the required daily milk intake (480ml to 500ml) a day since kyan still adopts a "I hate U" attitude towards milk. Sighz. Dr Anthony says that it is ok if he doesn't drink milk as long as he eats, as eating foods is more important than milk. It is just that us Asians have been generally influenced by Westerners thinking, as westerners believed that milk is still v important and a required level has to be reached daily. Since Dr Teoh and Dr Anthony are both experienced PDs, i am now more assured after hearing this sentence being emphasised a second time (milk is not so important as compared to solids) that I have begin to take a stride backwards towards his daily milk intake.
And his feet is v long! Now two new pairs of shoes can't be worn already, and he haven't even wore it once! Duhz! These two pairs were gifts from is adidas somemore! mil says lil prince is small in size but has big feet! Thats why he's picking up walking fast...LOL
Lil boy just recovered from flu and cough after we brought him to see Dr Anthony Chee (PD) at Hougang last Wed 27Jan (Clinic: Anthony Baby and Child Clinic). Charge wise is a bit steep (first time consultation is $70!). He is quite similiar to Dr Teoh in terms of thinking and also have many years of experience. I asked him whether it is ok if he doesn't meet the required daily milk intake (480ml to 500ml) a day since kyan still adopts a "I hate U" attitude towards milk. Sighz. Dr Anthony says that it is ok if he doesn't drink milk as long as he eats, as eating foods is more important than milk. It is just that us Asians have been generally influenced by Westerners thinking, as westerners believed that milk is still v important and a required level has to be reached daily. Since Dr Teoh and Dr Anthony are both experienced PDs, i am now more assured after hearing this sentence being emphasised a second time (milk is not so important as compared to solids) that I have begin to take a stride backwards towards his daily milk intake.
And his feet is v long! Now two new pairs of shoes can't be worn already, and he haven't even wore it once! Duhz! These two pairs were gifts from is adidas somemore! mil says lil prince is small in size but has big feet! Thats why he's picking up walking fast...LOL
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