I actually expected to see a huge crowd of ppl at the clinic but surprisingly, i was onli the second MTB on the queue (appointment at 7pm but i reached about 6.40pm). Was asked to see Dr Heng immediately after weighing myself and measuring the usual blood pressure.
It seems that i'm getting more and more lost seeing the ultrasound, with absolutely no idea what Dr Heng is scanning or measuring on the screen. What she told me was baby is pretty small for his gestational age at 32weeks+, which makes me quite worried and sad (1.64kg only when bb is supposed to be at least 1.8kg at week32). However, Dr Heng assured me the difference isn't very big and that i don't have to worry so much.

I asked her whether a cervical check is needed as i was afraid of cervix dilation since my V-area was pretty painful these few days. Furthermore i had bad contraction scares on the same evening when i was supposed to see Dr Heng. She did not agree to a cervical check as she was afraid it might induce bleeding since i had a bad case of spotting and bleeding in the 1st trimester. However she gave me the medicine, Zendolin to curb the contractions and prevent early labour. The medicine will cause me shivers and also my heart to beat faster.
The placenta and amniotic levels were ok.
Though glucose test result is normal, i was asked to exercise diet control still.
Hope kyan can put on more fats. I'm determined to drink powdered milk again every night in the hope that he can put on the pounds and be at least 2.5kg upon delivery.
It seems that i'm getting more and more lost seeing the ultrasound, with absolutely no idea what Dr Heng is scanning or measuring on the screen. What she told me was baby is pretty small for his gestational age at 32weeks+, which makes me quite worried and sad (1.64kg only when bb is supposed to be at least 1.8kg at week32). However, Dr Heng assured me the difference isn't very big and that i don't have to worry so much.

I asked her whether a cervical check is needed as i was afraid of cervix dilation since my V-area was pretty painful these few days. Furthermore i had bad contraction scares on the same evening when i was supposed to see Dr Heng. She did not agree to a cervical check as she was afraid it might induce bleeding since i had a bad case of spotting and bleeding in the 1st trimester. However she gave me the medicine, Zendolin to curb the contractions and prevent early labour. The medicine will cause me shivers and also my heart to beat faster.
The placenta and amniotic levels were ok.
Though glucose test result is normal, i was asked to exercise diet control still.
Hope kyan can put on more fats. I'm determined to drink powdered milk again every night in the hope that he can put on the pounds and be at least 2.5kg upon delivery.
There is this singapore website that shows the average baby weight.
32 weeks is about 1.72kg. Yours not so far off so don't worry too much. Smaller easier to deliver. But must remember to rest more hor.
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