My last appointment was on last wed, 8-Oct. It was the day scheduled for my triple test (a test to see whether my baby has any risk of Down's Syndrome)....Dr Heng had three small tubes of blood drawn from me....results will be out in three weeks time...
And finally the moment that we have been waiting for (or rather its just me...hehe)....My gynae revealed that my baby is a BOY! Though i seriously hoped for a girl, nevertheless i am still very happy...
The baby is 15weeks+, stands at 11.38cm and weighs 120g.Baby is very guai to open his legs wide for gynae to be able to scan his gender. Before the scan, i have asked baby to guai guai let the gynae scan by staying in a good position, which he did! *sayang baby*...he's such a cutie on the i can starting getting all the blue stuffs!
People have commented to me that I lost weight (how not to when my appetite was poor during the first three months) and that my tummy still looked small (which i agree)....sometimes i worry whether baby has grown cos of my small tummy, but was assured by others (who are already mothers) that it is absolutely ok....perhaps this is my first pregnancy hence my tummy still looks small...
My next normal scan will be on 5-Nov and my detailed scan will be on 19-Nov at East Shore Hospital. I hoping everything will turn out fine *crosses fingers*....
My confinement lady will be meeting us this weekend to discuss and chit-chat for details. I have decided to engage her through Lynn's recommendation as it seems that my MIL is not comfortable taking care of new-borns at the initial stage and also doing confinement for better to engage a CL. As a first time mum, I have also enrolled in TMC Mrs Wong Boi Boi's Parentcraft classes starting 30-Nov (6 lessons)...all these is going to cost me a bomb but are considered second nature to me, as i feel that its always better to do what needs to be done...$$ wise can earn back...
Am able to feel baby's quickening movements now, its is somewhat ticklish that i have to scratch my tummy at times (so cute!) fact i was able to feel my baby's heartbeat at around week 7-8, my tummy actually moves up and down in accordance to the heartbeat, amazing isn't it!!
Kayden is SIX!
11 years ago
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