Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Trying to lift his head up high...growth spurt?

Poor mummy is suffering from back aches and shoulder pains lately....wonder if its due to the effects of epidural, from carrying little one too much or having to bend forward when pumping/breastfeeding. I guess its due to a combination of these reasons.

Little boy is now attempting to lift up his head. And succeeded a few times in turning his head from one side to the other side. We had to start making sure he doesn't bury his face flat or compress his nose against the mattress, since we made him sleep on his stomach a few times during the day. The times when we had to burp him, he was attempting to straighten his body like wanting to stand up and pushed his head back wanting to lift it about learning to run before even learning to walk! Kids learn fast don't they...

I managed to capture my naughty boy in one of his fussed up moods. I was playing with him in his baby cot but apparently it didn't last that long before he became cranky and started to fling his hands and legs all over the place...I guess he's in his growth spurt now, becoming fussier and kept wanting to drink more during this period of time.


JoAnnA said...

Kyan look different now. A lot cuter and cubby now !!