Monday, April 27, 2009

Worst Nightmare.....Ever....

Little one has been getting naughtier each day! He simply just depletes our energy

Brought him to my mum's place to stay overnight during the weekends for the first time. OMG, he gave us hell in the middle of the night. He was extremely cranky and kept us awake for a record time of four hours+ straight (kun and i didn't sleep a wink from 1am till 5am due to kyan's bad cries). We tried different methods to soothe him like giving him milk, be it through bottle or breast (which he vomitted thereby staining his clothes), we thought he was hungry since he was moving his mouth but no idea why he still puke out after we burped him...and it just seems like he's forever hungry so we fed him again and hand scared of overfeeding him yet don't understand why he still kept making the sucking movement with his mouth after his feeds....changed his diapers, burped him, pat him, carried was just frustrating when he kept crying and refused to just didn't help when both of us have no idea what he was crying about. I need a baby cry reader *sighz*

And the worse thing is, i get bad-tempered when i have lack of sleep...therefore i just scolded kyan for being such a naughty boy.

I really miss the times where i can have peaceful nights.


Pamela (Jo's Sister) said...

not sure if u are interested ... but i bought a dvd titled Dunstan's Baby Language for Joanna ... it is not the complete set but i think Joanna has managed to d/l it off the net. It teaches you how to recognise the cries of the baby. Some singaporean parents have used it (read about it on forum) and swears by it. Wanna try?

sunnylight said...

hey pamela, yup yr sister did pass to me a copy i tink, tho i'm abit absent minded now i don't know where i left it...gah....
if need be i will get it from her again....tks for telling me! =)

JoAnnA said...

Should tell me earlier ma. I will burn another copy for you. Also need to pass you the cross stitch.

sunnylight said...

thanks jo...i guess i will meet up with u real soon :P